Master of Philosophy in Management


The Master of Philosophy in Management is a one year programme designed and well-founded for smooth transition into advanced research including doctoral level (Ph. D) and suitable for academicians, researchers, corporate and others. The program is a one year, two semesters, and based on a credit system. The submission of a dissertation at the end of the second semester is compulsory to complete the programme.

The programme equips the researcher to aspire for higher disciplinary and methodological competences in research. The program is rigorous and includes four theory papers and a dissertation. Two primary intensive courses in the general and specific research methodologies (including functional specialization tools and techniques) papers are:

1. General Research Methodology

2. Tools and techniques for Management Research

The scholar can opt for two electives offered by the department and the option is subject to departmental guidelines (course pre-requisites, faculty and student availability) in the functional specializations of Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, and general management.

The electives offered are:

1. Latest Trends in OB and HRM

2. International Human Resources Management

3. Financial Markets and Derivatives

4. Managerial Economics

5. Advanced Marketing Management

6. Strategic Management

The pedagogy includes paper presentations, research colloquia, SPSS and other tools training end term exam, case study, article critique and other media. The program provides the requisite knowledge, skills and abilities for planning, designing, engaging and interpreting research data for problem solving and consultancy for researchers, academicians, practitioners, and corporate. The course also enhances the ability to think systematically, and apply quantitative methods and provide the scholars the knowledge, skills and insights in identifying and solving problems in the management area independently. The programme also focuses on creating a pool of manpower with the requisite competencies to contribute to the educational & higher learning institutes, research institutes and organizations, Government and nongovernmental organizations, Training and consultancy organizations.

MPhil Programme Outcomes

On the completion of the programme, the scholars will be able

1. To have knowledge, skills and the competencies to do higher level of research in different functional areas of management such as Human resource management, tourism management, financial markets, marketing management and economics and in emerging trends of the management.

2. To possess expertise in Business and Management Research Methodology and in different data analysis techniques and tools

3. To choose the right research methodology and right statistical tools for the research problem chosen

Application Open from 04 January 2020

Application Open Until 08 June 2020